In Honor of Mother's Day we asked a few of our friends at the Q to tell us, "What is the Best Advice Your Mother Ever Gave You?" Share your advice in the comments below!
“The best advice my mother gave me is to treat EVERYONE like a superstar. Whether you are meeting someone for the first time, or you've known that person your entire life, everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness.”
Joan Rivers:
"My wonderful mother Beatrice"
"Our family in Larchmont: me on the left with my father, mother and sister, Barbara."
"My daughter Melissa and I."
“Family is the most important thing you’ll ever have in your life. Hold them dear to your heart always”
Lori Goldstein:
"The best advice my mother ever shared with me, was the importance of manners. I take that wisdom with me always and forever..."
Renee Greenstein:
"Mother’s Day always brings me fond memories of my father. He fulfilled the role of both mother and father in my life, and it’s him who immediately comes to mind this time of year. He was a chef who taught me how to make blackberry deep dish, and how to carve a turkey and put it back together. He made me feel like Cinderella; like Daddy’s princess who could do anything she set her mind to. I was actually blessed to have another mother figure enter my life, my mother-in-law Bea. After my father’s passing, she provided the kind of love and support that only a mother could provide. To this day, she is my largest cheerleader! Sometimes motherhood comes to us in non-traditional ways. On Mother’s Day, let’s remember to also celebrate those who fulfill the role of Mom even though that may not be what we call them."
Tara McConnell:
“As much as my mom has inspired so many of my recipes -- and even the idea behind temp-tations itself -- the best advice she ever gave me actually has nothing to do with cooking. But it has everything to do with life. From the time I was little, my mom always told me: In everything you do, act as if someone is watching you. That way, you'll make choices you can stand up for and live a life you can be proud of. It's a simple thought, but harder than it sounds! Still, it's served me well for my whole life. Love you, mom!”
Judith Ripka:
“I often remember the walks my mother and I would take around the neighborhood when I was a young girl. She taught me to see the beauty in all the little things around us, no matter how ordinary they might appear to be. Even recognizing the details of the buildings we walked past was a result of her unique way of observing her surroundings, and her influence can be seen throughout my collections even today. Consistent with her outlook on life, one of my mother’s favorite expressions was “You can look back, but don’t stare.” It reminds me to stay in the solution rather than dwelling on the past, and that has turned out to be great advice, both personally and professionally.
Josie Maran:
"My mama taught me to believe in my dreams. She believed in me and that allowed me to believe in me and my dreams. Thanks mom!"