In honor of Mother's Day, some of your favorite hosts are sharing their proudest "mom moments!"
Nancy Hornback
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This note came from Isabella's kindergarten teacher this past October. It made me SO proud to be her mom!
"Good morning! I just wanted to write a quick email and let you know that Isabella has been a wonderful friend today. We got a new student in our class this morning and she sits next to Isabella. She has been very helpful showing her where everything goes, helping her find her cubby, and pencil box. Be proud, not many kids would take it upon themselves to do that." A proud moment for me, indeed!"
Alberti Popaj
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“I’m proud of my mother for her inner beauty, her strong faith, and her ability to always face the world with a smile.”
Jennifer Coffey
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My proudest moment as a mom is any time my Gabby chases a dream...and she does that quite often! She'll get it in her head that she wants something, and I know it's already a lock when she declares it's in her sights. One day we drove past a karate studio and Gabby said "I'd like to get good at that." Next thing I know she's a brown belt! She declared that she wanted to give modeling a try, and next thing I know she's doing a runway show for girls' formals. She thought running for student council was a good idea, and became treasurer of her class. She isn't just my pride and joy, she my dream-chasing role model!
Kerstin Lindquist
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Anytime one of my girls does something compassionate for the other or reminds me about Jesus' love, I just melt with pride. I love that they are growing up as little girls of faith.
Amy Stran
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I know there will be so many proud moments in the future, but for right now I think my proudest moment as a mother so far is giving birth to Bree. I just can’t seem to wrap my finger around the idea that Bree is here because of us!
Jacque Gonzales
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Theresa is my biggest Blessing! Her sincere compassion for people, animals and nature is beautiful. Theresa's faith is so deep and pure. She took every step of her journey for her First Holy Communion with an open heart and excitement. To see my baby growing up so fast is amazing - I'm so proud of all that she has accomplished - and love her with all of my heart!!! She's my little "Mini Me"! I'm Mama Wolf and she's Baby Wolf! We even howl at each other! (Poor Daddy!)
Sandra Bennett
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My proudest moment as a mother is every time I see my daughters being kind to each other. They love each other very much and it shows. I try to teach them that “family is first.” It’s easy to be nice and polite to a classmate, friend, or even a stranger and save your nastiest behavior for home. I remind them that they need to treat each other with that same kindness they give others. They sometimes fight, but they are rarely mean to each other. Of course, they are still young. So far, so good!
Sharon Faetsch
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When both of my children and I first received our new color belts in Tae Kwon Do. We all had to train hard to achieve it!
Jill Bauer
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My proudest moments as a mom are when Kylie and Trevor are complimented by teachers and coaches for being respectful, kind and for being pleasures to have in the classroom or on a team.
Mary Beth Roe
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Mark and I are certainly proud of all 4 of our children, but if I had to pick one as my proudest mom moment, I would have to say it was when our son, Eric, was given the award of "Most Coachable Player" at his high school tennis banquet. It was given to the player most able to take feedback with a positive attitude and then take the feedback and apply it to his game. That was the best award one of my kids could ever get in my mind, since to me, it's not about winning, it's about the respect you give the coach and the humility it takes to take criticism and turn it into a positive thing.
Jane Treacy
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I cherish every moment. The bond with your child begins as soon as that baby is in your arms.
Rachel Boesing
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My mom is a humanist, feminist, civil rights activist, and all around compassionate, caring, amazing woman. She has spent her life giving voice to those who need to be heard. I am proud of every moment she is on the planet.
Dan Wheeler
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My mom’s prayers and her advice have made me who I am. I know and greatly appreciate the sacrifices that she made for me and my sisters.
Stacey Stauffer
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Honestly my proudest mom moment is every day. To see my boys try, thrive and love. I know it might sound silly but it's the truth.
We'd love to hear about your proudest mom moment! Share it with us in the comments below, and have a happy Mother's Day!